May 31, 2017 | Cycling, Group Fitness, OHC Members, One Health Clubs, Wellness, Workout
It’s never too late in life to try spinning. If you think you are too old to start spinning, think again. Stationary bike exercise dates back to the 1890s… so technically, it’s a lot older than...
Sep 23, 2016 | Group Fitness, Nutrition, Recipe, Wellness
Summer is a wonderful time of the year. We should all enjoy it to the fullest. However, it can also break up our regular routines and get in the way of keeping up with a healthy and fit lifestyle. All …
Sep 30, 2014 | Group Fitness
“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it” A famous sentiment indeed. Sadly, it is also applicable to so many of us; as we endeavor to live a healthy and fit lifestyle. Breaking the routine of...
Sep 16, 2014 | Group Fitness, One Health Clubs, Yoga
by Crystal Larocque Yoga is much more than just poses and postures… it is a complete way of life. (And it tends to greet with open arms!!) Students come to me for a variety of reasons. For some, it’s...
Sep 6, 2014 | Group Fitness, Workout
and the Circuit Training Solution to burning fat and getting lean by Lori Lewis Let`s debunk the common myth of target training to reduce fat. Targeting a specific muscle can serve to strengthen said muscle. However, it cannot target the...
Jun 24, 2014 | Group Fitness, One Health Clubs
It’s never too late in life to try spinning. If you think you are too old to start spinning, think again. Stationary bike exercise dates back to the 1890s… so technically, it’s a lot older than you! Spin...