Feb 3, 2020 | Nutrition, OHC Members, One Health Clubs, Weight loss, Yoga
I joined the club in November 2011 after trying other health clubs in the past that just didn’t fit my needs. I first heard about it when it was recommended that I check it out by a physiotherapist who …
Jan 15, 2018 | OHC Members, One Health Clubs, Yoga
“I promised myself that the new year was going to bring big changes to my life” My New Year’s Resolution Sarah Figueiredo, 25 years old, decided to make a major life change when she made the decision to join One...
Apr 19, 2017 | Wellness, Yoga
When was the last time you stopped and enjoyed a moment of complete calm, without thinking about the worries of work, the kids or what you’re having for dinner? Sometimes the very thought of being fully present in the moment, …
Sep 26, 2016 | Wellness, Yoga
Dealing with life’s day-to-day stresses can be tough. Over time, the stress can build up and create chaos within your body and mind, which may eventually, lead to illness. Spending even a few minutes in meditation, can give you a...
Oct 22, 2014 | Athlete's Care, Wellness, Yoga
By Crystal Larocque Heading into the fall season you might find yourself slumping over your desk, curling over a counter, or just waking up feeling like you spent the night on a cement slab. Posture can affect our overall moods,...