Member Spotlight – Kimberley
I joined the club in November 2011 after trying other health clubs in the past that just didn’t fit my needs.
I first heard about it when it was recommended that I check it out by a physiotherapist who was treating me for back and shoulder pain at a clinic that I was going to.
I have been going through some family/personal issues but this club has helped me to focus on the importance of my own health and well being which means that I have been much better equipped to deal with the challenges given to me.
Of course One Health Clubs has many different exercise classes but I mainly take the yoga classes here which I absolutely love and have become just a little addicted to! Kirin, Lori and Justine are my favourite instructors! As well as helping me to become stronger and tone up yoga has also helped me to feel better about myself. It is a great spiritual experience!!
However I did notice my weight creeping up in the summer of 2018 and that my clothing was becoming quite tight due to wrong food choices.
So I decided that I needed to make some changes in my eating habits and I went to see the nutritionist Kelly at One Health Clubs.
Kelly put me on a fat loss programme and I couldn’t believe how well it worked!!
I followed Kelly’s very doable customized programme and the weight started to come off! In fact I lost 26 pounds and because of her great maintenance programme the weight has stayed off!!
All in all being a member at One Health has definitely changed my life and I would recommend it to anyone!!
The staff and members are so friendly. There are no judgments here!! Everyone is welcome!! The classes are fabulous, the whole place is clean and well looked after and they have great organic coffee and very healthy food in the cafe on site!!
What’s not to love!!!
Kimberley Newton