3 Healthy Lunch Options

by | Apr 18, 2018 | Nutrition, Wellness

Save money and calories with these healthy and easy lunch options.

By Nutritionist: Kelly Carter BASc (Hons), CNP, RNCP

Did you know that the average Canadian spends between $7-$13 buying lunch out three times a week? Over the course of a year, that can add up to $3,000!!!

Not only are you spending a ton of money – you are consuming loads of salt, sugar and unhealthy fat calories.

Lunches are one of those meals that a lot of people struggle with, whether it’s not packing it before you go to work or skipping altogether because you are too busy. Your body needs the nutrition during the day when you are being active so lunch, like breakfast is another meal that should not be skipped!

One Health Clubs Nutritionist Kelly Carter understands that a busy schedule is a barrier for many people SO in order to stay on track here are her TOP 3 EASY to make lunch choices:

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1. Soups

This is something that you can make over the weekend in large quantities and freeze for any convenient time. It is preferred to make your own, then you know every ingredient that goes into it. However, if you are going to purchase soups, Kelly suggests the following Brands:

• Pacifica
• Imagine Soups
• Amy’s

2. Bowls or Salads

This is one of Kelly’s go to lunches. The base of your salad can be spinach or kale and adding chickpeas and sweet potatoes, especially in the winter months gives the salad warmth and depth. Then load up your bowl with vegetables; purple cabbage, zucchini, peppers and more!

Kelly’s go-to choice for salad dressing is salsa! This is a great low calorie, nutrient dense option and it really packs a punch of flavor to your bowl.

TIP: You can batch cook the chickpeas and sweet potato giving you lunch prepped for 3-4 days

3. Leftovers… with Added Veggies

Always make more food than you need at dinner to carry over for the next day. Then add fresh raw vegetables. This is one of the easiest ways to ensure you have your lunch prepped and ready for the next day!

The more prepared you are for the week the faster you will reach your goals or maintain proper health!

Still feeling like you need more direction? Click here for a free 15-minute nutrition consultation with one of our Nutritionists.