The Ultimate Secret to a Lean Body and Better Performance – Hydration!!

by | Jul 30, 2017 | Nutrition, Wellness

By Nutritionist: Tanya Agard CNP, NWS, PT, BA

Did you know that water makes up close to 60% of your body weight?

Hydration is a key component to any nutrition or exercise regime.
Many people underestimate the importance of water to the body. Even some of the most experienced athletes, including weightlifters and runners, there is a significant gap in knowledge regarding why proper hydration is important both for health, and for better performance.

Water is the main component of blood. It delivers oxygen, nutrients and hormones to all cells and rids the body of toxins. Water will protect the body from injury or impact, regulate body temperature and allow electrolytes to control osmotic pressure inside and outside of cells.

When the body is dehydrated, it will reduce your endurance, decrease strength, cause cramping, and slow muscular response. It also makes weight loss (fat loss) extremely difficult. When you are exercising or training, it is especially important to hydrate prior to an exercise session, during and post workout and throughout the day. This will assist with great performance.


Organ Function

If your kidneys become dehydrated, their main job of filtering the blood becomes inhibited, which will pass along extra work onto the liver. One of your livers’ functions is to metabolize stored fat in the body, and therefore only has half the fat burning capacity if your kidneys are malfunctioning from dehydration!

Endocrine System

Growth hormone (HGH) is a potent fat burning hormone. It binds itself to the receptor sites of fat cells and breaks down triglycerides, shrinking the fat cell. However, HGH production is hugely reduced when the body is dehydrated, limiting fat metabolism.

Cognitive Function

The brain is made of roughly 80% water and is very sensitive to changes in water levels. Just 2% dehydration can reduce cognitive function by up to 30%. This can also lead to the feeling of being tired which is often be mistaken for hunger, ultimately leading to a lack of motivation to exercise and eat correctly.

Enzyme Function

The enzyme that metabolizes fat, Lipase, has significantly reduced function when the body isn’t fully hydrated. This can further lead to fatigue and inactivity.

Suppresses Appetite

Water can naturally suppress your appetite and increase the body’s ability to metabolize stored fat. Many studies show that a decrease in water intake can cause fat deposits to increase, while an increase in water intake can actually reduce fat deposits.

Healthier Digestive System

Water is critical to properly metabolize food. Drinking sufficient amounts of water will help to burn more calories, and transport nutrients throughout your body. If you are looking to lose weight, detoxify or shed fat, this is especially important.

Optimal Performance

Lean muscle in the human body is made up of around 80% water and it requires that water to function properly. When your body starts to become dehydrated, your muscle tissue starts to lose water and it makes it harder for that muscle to contract effectively. This will result in a reduction in your strength and endurance.

It has been stated that as little as a 1% drop from optimal hydration can reduce your physical ability by up to 5%. You could actually see your caloric burn from your workouts drop by 5%, not to mention that you will feel weaker and less capable, which can slow your exercise progress in many ways.


Metabolism is responsible for absorbing and transporting vitamins, storing carbohydrates in your liver and muscle tissue, aiding digestion, transporting and removing waste products in the blood, keeping your immune system functioning properly, and so much more. Without optimal water levels, every function of your body would be negatively affected in some way. In addition, fluids help to remove the metabolic waste that is produced during intense exercise.

Body Temperature

When your core body temperature rises above normal, stress is placed on the body, which can interfere with the body’s energy systems. This interference, in turn, negatively affects both performance and recovery.

Blood Pressure

Effectively regulated blood pressure normalizes heart rate and therefore, manages stress on the body during training and recovery. Excessive stress can lead to inflammation and other processes that can interfere with both performance and recovery.

Other Benefits Include:

• Healthier Skin
Staying hydrated is one of the best and most effective ways to maintain healthy skin, as well as healthy skin tone and that natural “glow.”

• Healthier Mind and Body
Water is essential for nutrient absorption and proper brain function, including mood and memory

When the output of fluids exceeds the intake of fluids, an imbalance occurs, and dehydration can develop. Click here to see if you have any of the signs of dehydration.

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