How to Have a Healthy Back

by | Mar 21, 2014 | One Health Clubs, Yoga

It is estimated that, at some point in our lives, back pain will affect 80% of the population. Back pain is second only to the common cold as a cause of work place absenteeism. Back pain really is a pain in the backside!

Fortunately for our One Health Clubs members, we can offer a fun and fitness friendly preventative remedy for back pain.

Yoga is an ideal activity for back pain prevention. Practiced correctly, yoga will help to strengthen your back without the stress of lifting heavy weights or withstanding sudden impact movements.

Properly supervised yoga postures can:

  • Help stretch muscles to relieve and reduce spasm
  • Build the necessary strength required for a healthy back
  • Increase range of motion
  • Maintain the flexibility necessary for happy discs
  • Improve bone density throughout the vertebrae

As an added benefit, yoga teaches us to breathe more deeply and consciously connect with our bodies. This helps to release the stress and anxiety we carry with us in our tight and sore muscles.

Do yourself a favour today. Talk to one of our expert yoga instructors and get started on your road to a pain free back.

*be sure to consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise program.