Summer Chillin’ and Lean Grillin’

by | Aug 18, 2017 | Nutrition

5 Healthy Barbecue Tips

By Nutritionist: Kelly Carter BASc (Hons), CNP

Some would argue that BBQ-ing is a year-round event, but no one can dispute that summer is the official season of backyard BBQ parties.

Here are 5 Healthy tips and ideas to cut calories, reinvent your dinner plate and keep a lean body without compromising on taste or experience!

1. Marinate Before Cooking your LEAN Meats

There are more benefits than just taste! First of all, choosing lean meats will cut out unwanted calories from the unhealthy fat and increase the protein content. This will support a healthy, lean body. Second, marinades that include olive oil, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, garlic, mustard and salt were seen in some studies to produce fewer cancer causing amines that unmarinated meats when grilled for 30 minutes! Marinating reduced some of the disease-causing substances by 99%.

Choosing to marinate lean chicken, beef or fish are great, however grilling salmon on a cedar plank is the healthiest protein to cook on the barbecue since the fish will not be touching the grill and the protein content is easily digestible (you will absorb most of the nutrients), supporting a lean body.

2. Focus on the Veggies

BBQing is so much more than meat! Grilling can be one of the healthiest ways to cook vegetables! Try grilling peppers, mushrooms, carrots and zucchini on a skewer, making sure to brush with oil to keep the vegetables from drying out.

Vegetables are the key to supporting a lean body due to their high water, fibre, vitamin and mineral content. Micro-minerals will help to keep the body full and completely satisfied, reducing cravings throughout the day.

How about grilled corn on the cob? Cooking corn boosts the levels of antioxidants and other beneficial phytochemicals that help to sustain a healthy body! Phytochemicals help to reduce the risk of most chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. Cooking other vegetables such as carrots and tomatoes can make their nutrients more readily available when consumed.

Healthy BBQ hack: Purchasing a BBQ grill pan will decrease the occurrence of carcinogens and prevent any vegetables from falling into the coals.

3. Rearrange and Downsize Serving Plates from Large to Medium

One study found that people helping themselves from a large bowl served 77 percent more food than those using a medium-size plate. Serve up mashed potatoes family-style from a medium bowl and guests will serve themselves 365 fewer calories.

A quarter of the plate should be protein, ¼ grains and ½ veggies! This will help you get a good mix of nutrients, control portion sizes and cut down on calories.

4. Grill Fruits for Dessert

Fruit is nature’s dessert! And grilling brings out all the sweet goodness that you are looking for to finish a meal. The natural sugars caramelize in the high heat, giving them extra sweetness and flavor. If eaten on an empty stomach the sugars and nutrients will be absorbed within 20 minutes of consumption. This will provide immediate energy rather than the storage of fat for energy! Try sliced apple, pear or pineapple or halved bananas, figs, nectarines, peaches or plums.

Now with your nutrition under wraps, you can host and enjoy a healthy, stress-free BBQ.

Still feeling like you need more direction? Click here for a free 15-minute nutrition consultation with one of our Nutritionists.